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Aqaba's Diving Spots

Underwater Military Museum

Underwater military museums can be fascinating destinations for divers, offering a unique opportunity to explore history beneath the waves. Such museums often feature submerged military artifacts, such as sunken tanks or vehicles, helicopter, and more, all preserved in their underwater environment.

The site has an easy shore entry with the gently sloping sandy area.After crossing this narrow sandy stripe and heading from the only live Porites coral pinnacle present at 5 meters, you will reach a dense sea-grass bed, where a mixture of Halophila stipulacea and Halodule uninervis species can be found.

The site is home to a large population of Garden Eels, living in a vast expanse of seagrass slope stretching from just 6 to16 meters depth. The flat and sandy area gradually slopes to 24 meters where the bare reef starts, together with the military vehicles carefully placed here to avoid any damage to the scattered small coral patches across this particular zone. A well-developed coral garden starts further down, at about 30 meters which makes an unforgettable dive for more advanced divers.

This resource will grow as the Museum’s Collection is catalogued, and as new acquisitions are added. The Museum aims to demonstrate a new type of museums experiences, where an interaction between sports, environment and exhibits manifests in front of the recipient.

ASEZA gave a great attention to the environmental effects of the scuttling and made all measures to ensure the protection and safety of the marine environment in cooperation with all concerned and relevant authorities and associations. Before the sinking all hazardous materials were removed to comply with the environmental best practices.

The location of the museum also promotes the recovery of the natural reefs as it relieves pressure on them by drawing visitors away to an alternative site.

To dive and visit this unique underwater military museum, you can Book your dive online with Aqaba Moon Diver.

Diving Spots On The Map

Shallow Depth

Medium Depth

Deep (30m+)